Overcoming First-Time Property Investment Jitters

Kasia as 1st time property investor was 'emotionally' searching for investing properties, this brought her many unknowns and uncertainties. Then she met Tony - as her coach and mentor, he educated her around and she realised that property investment is a business decision, which depends on the numbers, figures and future capital growth, instead of putting ‘emotion’ into the picture.

With Tony’s guidance, Kasia learned about what house and land packages that would suit them, the affordability, the cost of having an investment property, and of course the tax strategies to minimize the out of pocket expenses. Kasia went through the process with Tony step by step and got her 1st property invested, she started to understand how the cashflow works and how they can afford investing in property/ies. When Kasia started to work on the 2nd property investment, they started to go through the process again and ask the questions such as if they are getting the right price for the land and the build, the location, the timing, etc. rather than picturing themselves living in that property. With Tony’s coaching, Kasia has taken the whole property investment journey in control. The process brings them confidence in decision making and makes their future investments be 100% a business transaction. 

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