How Tax Depreciation Benefits Investors

As a property ages, the ATO will recognise that fixtures and fitting will wear out - as well as capital gains - and this wear and tear is a great tax deduction come tax time for investors. The great news is that once you've had a report done you will not have to have this repeated for a full 40 years. This can be passed over to an investor accountant who will be able to capitliase on this tax deduction year on year.

Tax depreciation is not only an important way for you to reduce your tax when owning investment property, but it ties into the overarching strategy of how tax and cashflow of a property can help you build wealth faster. While an accountant can support you with your tax return each year - the ATO does require you to have a qualified conveyancer. Working with a qualified team to take you through this and other ways to maximise your tax return is vitally important to pay less tax, increase your return and circle this money back into paying less interest on your owned home or save as a deposit for a future property!

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