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I Specialize In Teaching People How To Use Their Equity to Buy Investment Properties That Reduce Their Taxes And Helps Them Pay Off Their Mortgage Faster...
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Control Your Financial Destiny
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Save Time- Save Money
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Enjoy Financial Security

Buying 1 or 2 Properties In High Performing Capital Growth Areas Can Help You Double Your Wealth

Here's some common reasons why you may never invest in property...  

You Have A FEAR of Making Mistakes & Losing Money

That's why I take away the risks for you with my 23+ years of property expertise.

Your Too Busy & Don't Have The Time or Expertise to Find The Best Deals

I will save you time and stress. The sooner you start the sooner you make money. I help you get it right the first time.

Maybe You Don't Know Where to Buy or What to Buy?

One mistake here could cost you tens of thousands of dollars. Let me do all the property research for you.

You Don't Know How Investing In Property Can Reduce Your Taxes?

Property investing can help you minimise taxes. I'll show you how to pay less tax?

Case Study 1

Glenn & Aime, Geelong Vic ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • House & Land purchase price $471,488
  • Nominated Contract Land Gain $55,000
  • Value Increase before titles $30,000

  • Total Gains on Purchase $85,000.00
  • Value of Property Asset now $694,000

(TOTAL Gain of $223,000 in 2 years)

Case Study 2

Peter & Kelly, Drouin Vic ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • House & Land purchase price $543,700
  • Nominated Contract Land Gain $77,000

  • Total Gains negotiated on Purchase $77,000.00
  • Value of Property Asset now $685,000

(TOTAL Gain of $220,000 in 4 years)

Here's How I Can Help You

Roadmap to Property Investment Profits

Here's How It Works

Step 1.
Have A Call with Tony & Review Your Position

Create a solid financial base so you know you can afford to invest before you commit to doing anything.

Step 2.
We Research The Property Market For You

We find fast growing areas to help you accelerate your wealth faster.

Step 3.
We Find You
The Perfect Property Option

Saves you time & saves you money...I do all the leg work for you!

We Don't Just Care About Property Deals,
We Care About You.

We care more about how our customers individual financial positions have improved - time and time again.
Glen & Aime
5 bright gold stars, side by side
INVESTMENT PROPERTY - Savings & Increase In Value
2 years later value increased by $185,000 for total uplift of $270,000
A bit tick - yes!
Purchase price $471,488
A bit tick - yes!
Nominated contract rebate $55,000
Property value increase $30,000
A bit tick - yes!
Initial gains $85,000
Dean & Sherri
5 bright gold stars, side by side
INVESTMENT PROPERTY - Savings & Increase In Value
Total savings negotiated on their first purchase $40,700
A bit tick - yes!
Townhouse valued $415,000 purchased for $397,500
A bit tick - yes!
Negotiated bonus upgrades worth $8,700
Developer paid stamp duty worth $4,500
A bit tick - yes!
Land rebate $10,000
5 bright gold stars, side by side
 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES - Increase Value & Tax Savings
Paying down his home loan faster with cashflow from investments
A bit tick - yes!
Property increased in value by $80,000 during construction in under 1 year
A bit tick - yes!
Value continued to increase - now +$200,000 over 3 years
Lift in equity he bought a second property
A bit tick - yes!
Value of 2nd property increased by $80,000
Rob & Maria
5 bright gold stars, side by side
INVESTMENT PROPERTY - Fixed A Bad Deal & Increased Value
Total savings negotiated on their purchase $51,000
A bit tick - yes!
Got rid of a decreasing value property
A bit tick - yes!
Used funds to pay off home loan in full
Investment property increased in value by $155,000 in 21 months
A bit tick - yes!
Using this to purchase a second investment property
Mark & Skye
5 bright gold stars, side by side
HOME & INVESTMENT PROPERTY - Budget & Increased Value
Using new financial position purchased their first investment property
A bit tick - yes!
Bought their first home before 1st baby arrived
A bit tick - yes!
Home increased in value by over $200,000
A bit tick - yes!
Anthony & Belinda
5 bright gold stars, side by side
INVESTMENT PROPERTY - Savings & Increase In Value
2 years later value increased by $185,000 for total uplift of $270,000
A bit tick - yes!
Townhouse valued at $515,000 purchased for $469,000
A bit tick - yes!
Developer Paid Blinds $3,000
Developer paid Stamp Duty $17,000
A bit tick - yes!
Left arrow pointing left to show progress towards the left
Arrow pointing right to show progress towards the right

As Seen On....

The Ultimate Property Investment Opportunity!

You make a small investment to show me you're serious, I'll get busy finding the right property for you.

Using My Expertise Will Fast Track Your Wealth!

This is a DONE 4 YOU Property Solution
  • You Also Get My Client Only Bonuses Valued @ $8,997
  • Plus You Have My 100% No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

Total Value: $8,997

Time Is MONEY: Kickstart your property investing journey today!
Schedule a call today and claim your spot in this game-changing offer

Simple, straightforward pricing.

Our investment advisory service has the same goal for all of our clients - to set you up to succeed. This is why there’s only one financial commitment from you, no matter where you are on the journey.

A one off fee of $1497.
That’s it.

Unlike some, we don't have complex calculations and percentages to generate the cost of our service. A small investment to show us you're ready to start and we get busy building your wealth.
Book a wealth accelerator call
A cross in a circle to indicate the things is NOT included
No burying the fee in the loan
A cross in a circle to indicate the things is NOT included
No fluctuation in the price
A cross in a circle to indicate the things is NOT included
No hidden fees
A cross in a circle to indicate the things is NOT included
No upselling ‘extras’
A yes tick icon
Strategised in Over $125M in Property Transactions
A yes tick icon
Professional Property Investor & Coach Since 2000

Over 3,000 people have accessed my coaching and expert property investing advice.
A yes tick icon

Published Author of 3 books...

"You Can Do Anything"
“Don’t Blow Your Dough”

"The Financial Freedom Blueprint"

I Was Just Like You.

A few decades ago Tony Harrington was a broke single Dad raising 3 kids dreaming of the day he could quit his job and never have to work again!

Do you dream about having enough money to be able to quit your job?

I know that feeling well from when I was working in a job.

My only hope to escaping the rat race was if I won tattslotto? Dream on!

It wasn’t until I discovered the secrets to successful property investing that the game changed for me.

That’s when I realised I could make more money in property investing than I could earn working in a job for a full year.

That's when I was able to break free and leave my job. Read More....

If Super Is All You Have...
What Will You Do When Stock-Markets Crash
& Your Money Disappears?

With all your eggs in super you could get wiped out overnight.
Australian property gives you more financial control.
A pile of documents - representing a written plan
If you don't have a plan B other than super, you could retire without enough money
Two widgets side by side, the first one is bigger, the second one is smaller
You might retire with ‘good’ super & then lose it in a stock market crash
A house icon with a big cross against it - representing a bad choice of home
You could choose the wrong property & lose money, sending you backwards
A calendar with a big cross on it - representing wasting time
You might waste years trying to educate yourself & lose time (which is money!)
A pile of cash notes stacked on top of each other
If you hesitate due to fear, you'll lose the compound benefit of growing wealth
A family home icon
If you remain passive, you'll lose the chance to set up your family’s future in time
A pile of documents - representing a written plan
If you don't have a plan B other than super, you could retire without enough money
Two widgets side by side, the first one is bigger, the second one is smaller
You might retire with ‘Ok’ super & then lose it in a stock market crash
A house icon with a big cross against it - representing a bad choice of home
You could choose the wrong property & lose money, sending you backwards
A calendar with a big cross on it - representing wasting time
You might waste years trying to educate yourself & lose time (which is money!)
A pile of cash notes stacked on top of each other
If you hesitate due to fear, you'll lose the compound benefit of growing wealth
A family home icon
If you remain passive, you'll lose the chance to set up your family’s future in time

It Takes Time To Build Wealth
...How Much Time Do You Have Left?

Don't sit on the side lines watching property prices soar while you miss out again!
I'm not ready to give up my way of life right now so I can't progress at the moment!
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We’re not here to pressure clients into taking on investment properties they don’t want. We’re supremely confident that for those who are ready to commit to building their wealth we can get it done without having to stop family outings, dinners with friends or your annual holiday! We’ve done it repeatedly over the years, purchasing a growth asset within budget - ensuring your disposable income isnt wiped out.
Maybe it's safer if I just keep adding to my superannuation and paying off my home?
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This is definitely the ‘path’ that most of us are conditioned to take. However, while it may feel safer now, only relying on these two assets will leave you in a vulnerable position later in life. Your superannuation is an asset that is also inherently not safe, always exposed to stock market crashes, world events that cause destabilisation (like covid, wars etc.), global economic downturns and frequent and sometimes unexpected changes to government legislation.
I'm not financially literate enough to do this - I’m still confused!
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We get it - this stuff can feel like mumbo-jumbo! The good news is this - we don’t need you to be the expert, that’s what we’re here for. The process of working with Tony will involve some education on the key factors you need to be across. We break it down so you feel in control and are fully aware of what’s unfolding without bogging you down in jargon or the inner workings of the analysis we run on properties and areas. Our team of experts will guide you on what’s needed for your loan and paperwork to get the property deal done. We step in so you’re never ‘flying blind’ - taking away the risk of an error that could lose you money and create intense financial, emotional and relationship stress!
Can I really afford to get an investment property?
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With rising interest rates, it may feel like you’d have to sacrifice your way of life to afford an investment property. Our clients have been surprised to hear that for the same amount they might spend on coffee as a couple each week ($50-$70) they may be able to service a loan - especially when they review their budget, apply these savings and use equity from the home they currently live in. Our system also ensures no overspending on overpriced property, imbedding a cash buffer and engineering the loan structure to match your affordability to make sure this is manageable ‘good debt’.
How can I trust you? Isn't there a risk I still could get ripped off?
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Knowing who to trust is of course daunting. This layered with many building companies collapsing in recent times; and all clients are right to do their due diligence on who to engage. Having worked in the construction industry for decades, Tony understands the inner workings of this landscape. He frequently turns away deals and properties, as operating with the utmost integrity is of highest importance to him and the team. He also remains your permanent point of contact throughout the entire process to ensure he is always front and centre to handle everything that unfolds. Twenty years of happy clients, 100% of which would refer him to friends and family speaks volumes of Tony being a reliable and forthright, safe pair of hands.
Can I do it myself? Can I teach myself what to do?
A plus icon A minus symbol
Feeling empowered to teach yourself to do this would be great. But let’s be realistic here. The amount of time it will take to research is extensive! We often see people fall into the trap of only researching in their own ‘backyard’ because it's difficult to know what data to look for and it is usually very time consuming. Even if you take a course or seminar to help you along, you’ll need the time to complete it, the money to pay for it and you still won't have the decades of experience of hiring an expert, nor will you have access to all of the behind the scenes data or relationships they have. It can seem like a good idea to ‘save’ money doing it yourself but sadly in this scenario its very much a false economy and it’ll cost you!

5 Reasons Why Property Adds More Security To Your Wealth.

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